A New Generation of Lifelong Athletes: Why I Started TämBwoy

2 min readJan 5, 2021

Imagine this, a woman is about to do a big presentation in front of her boss for the first time. She is sitting in her office before the presentation begins trying to calm her nerves. She starts doing a breathing exercise she learned in middle school that used to help her before every soccer game. As she is starting to relax, she is reminded of all the presentation practice and preparation she did. She confidently gets up from her desk and walks to the conference room and kills the presentation. I started TämBwoy to help create thousands of real-life stories like this one.

Teach Life Skills Through Sports

Growing up, I wanted to be a WNBA player. I started off playing on my Little Tikes rim then played on travel teams, went to tons of basketball camps, and was on the Varsity basketball team for 3 years in high school. For a while, it looked like I was on my way. However, with injuries, not ideal coach experiences, and a loss of desire, I ended up not even playing basketball collegiately. In many books, my athletic journey looked like a “failure.” But, it wasn’t! I developed the necessary skills to be a confident — team player that’s ready to take on the next challenge life puts in front of me. I could’ve learned some of the skills without sports. But let me be the first to say that sports a more gentle way of learning about life than life is.

The life skills sports teaches are invaluable. The skills can be applied on and off the court. On top of that, sports are a great way to stay physically active and are proven to help with mental, emotional, and relational health. There are few environments where you can learn how to work with multiple people, build a strategy, deal with opposition, set a goal, control your body, and it still be FUN.

Develop Lifelong Athletes

The Women’s Sports Foundation found that girls are 2x more likely to quit sports than boys are. Our culture has made youth sports participation seem like it is a special activity only for those who want to play high school, collegiate, or professional sports. Sports are human activities that we should all participate in.

I started TämBwoy to show girls that the status quo of sports does not have to apply to them. There are countless stories of women who did not play high school or college sports (even some that did) that are now doctors, mothers, CEOs, artists, and more… TämBwoy will support a new generation of lifelong athletes who are going to have the skills they need to achieve to pursue any of their dreams.




An educational and mentorship resources about sports for girls.